Which road do I take? That was the burning question, even as I was on the road! I went to Pleasanton, to wax the brow and pamper the toes. Then toward home again to pack for an overnight get away; to where? I took the freeway really wondering where? I was thinking Tahoe or Ocean? I decided the Ocean. I drove to Halfmoon Bay, where I spent a GLORIOUS day on the beach. I just wanted to see something bigger than me. The Ocean is God's business. It's beautiful and terrifying at the same time and a great reminder that I am NOT in control, HE is! It was perfect. Fully lathered in SPF 50, I watched families, listened to kids, felt the horses run by, walked on the beach, watched dads dig holes and families play flag football, read and fell asleep. It was perfect.
As you can see, the sky was as blue as can be! Not a great shot. You can see so far up my nose you can almost see what I'm thinking...
It was a perfect day...
I decided to go the City after that and see my neice. On the way I saw something else. I was just outside admiring this brand new Lamborghini having my sister-in-law take my picture when this guy on third floor sticks his head out and offers to unlock it and let me sit in his new car. So from the third floor he unlocked it and I hopped in! WOW! According to some website, it's a 600,000 dollar car! I've never had my backside in or on anything that expensive, I don't think...
BRAND NEW, not even a licence plate yet!
Next time maybe I'll drive this on my perfect day :)
Anyway, what a great day. I left at 8 and got home at 8:30 or so. I saw so many cool things. I sang lots of songs, LOUD. I needed it.