Saturday, September 27, 2008


Wasn't it hot today? We thought so too. Perfect day for a baby shower. Pictures to follow.

Saturday, September 20, 2008

What a trip.

LIFE is a trip! I sound like a burned out hippee or daughter of. Just amazed at life and grateful. I really like my job. It surprises me. WHO likes work? I thought we all liked playing. I am having a great time actually. I like the people I work with. All are very nice. I LOVE the kids. They are so many and each with their own story.
  • The year began with a former student and should be senior dying the week before school started.
  • Two weeks later, one of my students found her mom dead, totally unexpected.
  • Lot's of strugglers in between, lots of encouraging notes to the ones that need it most, that I can see....
  • Another girl came in to get an off campus pass to see her doctor, she's pregnant and something is wrong....she'd made a LAST minute, literally, decision to carry.
  • Friday a young lady came in to see her counselor, who was not in. She needed to talk privately. I took her aside to see if I could help. She was looking for help telling her mom she's bi-sexual.
So many stories. So many kids. So much hope. Such a privilage. I hope you are all well.

Saturday, September 6, 2008

Back To The Grind

Well, summer IS officially over with Labor Day weekend over and all. However, being the Sophomore House Secretary that I am, my summer actually ended August 11, when I went back to work.

I don't think it was a very hot summer by the way. I think it's funny how God waits until school starts so that the kids can REALLY enjoy the heat while they are cooped up and locked away in a classroom. I have to admit I have a little bit of an attitude just because, when I came home from work Friday, the house was a COOL 92 degrees! Seriously felt cool compared to the office I'd been in all week in the double digits. Our offices were slated and set up for a/c but the budget ran out. It makes me cranky inside my heart.